

Displaying results 1-10 of 21 matches

Contact us | Choice Places
If you wish to report an issue, have any feedback or suggestions then please use our form, or get in touch by post, phone or email.

Revised times for telephone contact | News | Choice Places
New hours for contact

Privacy policy | Choice Places
How we process your personal data

of this document, please contact Choice Places on 01563 557000. 2 Visit our website at If you live in a block As a property owner you are subject to the Factoring Conditions for the block. The Factoring Conditions

News | Choice Places
staff. Aside from contact by phone, we are still available via email ( ) or by using our website contact form ( ). We will respond as quickly as we can. Stay home; Stay

Get involved | Choice Places
chat about the role, please contact Shelly Hunter on 01563 528816 . Take part in Satisfaction Surveys We welcome all and any feedback on our service, to help us learn and improve. We carry out regular satisfaction surveys on our repairs,

How to change factor | Choice Places
If you are currently unhappy with your factor, you have the right to change. The process to change can be challenging, but can be worth it in the end when you are set up with a new factor who you feel happier with.

Paying your Invoice | Choice Places
Paying your Invoice

Parking queries | Choice Places
Who and what is allowed and where?

News | Choice Places
communications and contact details update which closes on 15 January 2024. Please take a moment to complete the survey which can be accessed at this link: Download attached file Hybrid

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